Tuition Assistance Policy
Waltons New School of Music
The New School is dedicated to providing high quality music education for a wide range of students, whatever their financial circumstances, and our Tuition Assistance Policy is based on this principle. Tuition assistance is needs based, and our award decisions depend both on an individual or family’s financial circumstances and the New School’s ability to support a percentage of those who require tuition assistance. Although we would like to offer tuition assistance to every eligible student, the demand for assistance can sometimes exceed our available resources. In such cases, eligible applicants will be placed on a waiting list.
Tuition Assistance Process
The process of applying for tuition assistance is as follows:
- Application. Complete a Tuition Assistance Application Form Page and be sure to include the relevant supporting documents and proof of household income. Not including documentation will result in unnecessary delays.
- Email Confirmation. We will send you an email confirming receipt of your application and asking for any additional information required.
- Tuition Assistance Confirmation. If your tuition assistance application is successful, we will send you a second email confirming this, specifying the tuition discount offered and inviting you to enrol yourself or your child. It is important to apply for tuition assistance at least two weeks (and preferably longer) before you plan to start.
- Enrolment. If you or your child has been granted a tuition assistance award, you should then complete the relevant enrolment form.
- Apply Annually. Tuition assistance awards aren’t automatically renewed each year. If you were granted a tuition assistance award this year, for example, you will need to apply again next year, and we can’t guarantee that you will receive the same level of assistance from year to year.
Tuition Assistance Terms & Conditions
Following are the terms and conditions for Tuition Assistance with the New School:
- Applications for tuition assistance must be accompanied by evidence of income and expenses.
- Applications for assistance are considered on an ongoing basis but must be submitted at least two weeks (and preferably longer) before the intended tuition start date.
- Tuition assistance applications for year-enrolled students will be prioritised over those of term-enrolled students.
- Only in exceptional circumstances can tuition assistance be applied to group courses.
- Recipients of tuition assistance must reapply each academic year.
- A tuition assistance award is contingent on the student’s progress and full participation in all lessons, classes and/or ensembles in which he/she is enrolled.
- If there is a reduction in the lesson length or number of lessons during the year or term, the tuition assistance award will be reduced accordingly. Any increase in lesson length or number of lessons will not necessarily result in a proportionate increase in tuition assistance.
- A student who withdraws prior to the completion of the year or term for which he/she has received tuition assistance will not receive credit on his/her tuition assistance for subsequent enrolment and is not eligible to re-apply for tuition assistance.
- The failure to meet all financial obligations to the New School will result in withdrawal of tuition assistance.
- Tuition assistance recipients may use payment plans, but failure to make payments in a timely manner will result in withdrawal of tuition assistance.
- Tuition assistance may be withdrawn at any time if, in the opinion of the student’s teacher and school administration, the recipient fails to meet minimum standards expected by the teacher and the school.
- The granting of tuition assistance in a given year does not guarantee assistance in the future.
- All school decisions regarding tuition assistance are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
Would you like to support our Tuition Assistance Programme?
Financial Donations
We welcome financial donations to our Tuition Assistance Programme, large or small. Donations help us to help more students with tuition assistance, and you can be confident that whatever you donate will be used exclusively for this purpose. Please contact us if you are interested in supporting our Tuition Assistance Programme with a financial donation.
Instrument Donations
Students receiving tuition assistance to learn an instrument with the New School will also benefit from good quality instruments to practice. Please contact us if you are interested in supporting our Tuition Assistance Programme with an instrument donation.
How does the New School determine tuition assistance awards?
Each tuition assistance application is evaluated individually, and the New School makes the final determination at its sole discretion. Awards are also subject to the school’s financial circumstances and the availability of funding.
How much assistance is typically awarded?
All those who receive tuition assistance pay tuition fees. Awards are in the form of discounts of between 10% and 40% off the student’s fees and depend on both the student’s financial circumstances and the type of tuition.
Is the tuition assistance application process confidential?
Information provided by individuals and families through the tuition assistance application process is kept strictly confidential, and the names of students who receive assistance are shared only as necessary for administrative reasons. Likewise, students and families availing of tuition assistance are expected to keep their award amounts confidential and not to discuss or provide award information to/with others.
What are the responsibilities of students availing of tuition assistance?
All recipients and their families have certain responsibilities that are a necessary part of study with the New School and our Tuition Assistance programme. Failure to fulfil any of these requirements may result in the loss of your tuition assistance, and it will not be renewed the following year. The terms and conditions of tuition assistance are listed above.
Do I need to have a recommendation from my or my child's teacher?
Although students with no previous music experience can apply for tuition assistance, we do ask ask all students who are currently studying with the New School or elsewhere to provide written recommendations from their teachers.
Is there a tuition assistance waiting list?
Yes. All eligible applicants who are unable to receive assistance due to lack of available funding in a given yea will be placed on a waiting list. Should additional funding become available, the next eligible applicant on the waiting list will be notified.
Who can I speak to about tuition assistance?
Although all of the New School’s administrative staff are familiar with our Tuition Assistance policy, the main point of contact is our Tuition Assistance Coordinator, Sinéad Kavanagh.