Leaving Cert. Music
Pre-Exam Revision Workshop
Intensive Preparation for the
Leaving Cert. Music Exam
Saturday, 14 June 2025
‘A great way to revise Leaving Cert. Music. I would recommend it to everyone!’
– R. Brown
‘It was brilliant. The notes on melody writing and all studied pieces are really easy to understand, and this has really helped my knowledge of the Leaving Cert. Music course!’
– P. Fleming
Workshop Description
Taking place on the Saturday before the June exam, the New School’s one-day Leaving Cert. Music Pre-Exam Revision Workshop has provided intensive final preparation for hundreds of students studying for the Leaving Cert. Music exam. It includes a comprehensive revision of all the Listening and Composing elements of the exam, including the Prescribed Works, Irish Music, and melody writing and harmony in major and minor keys. This online workshop can be taken by Leaving Cert. Music students anywhere in Ireland.
The workshop also provides students with strategies for exam preparation and technique, as well as a variety of sample questions from past exam papers. Both workshop slides and a Zoom recording of the entire workshop will be provided to participants afterwards for further study and revision.
While there is a fee for students booking the workshop on its own, it is offered free of charge as part of both our Two-Year Course and Easter Revision Course.
Participants in this workshop will need:
- An internet-connected laptop, computer, tablet or smartphone. (A laptop or computer with webcam and microphone is strongly recommended, as it will have the largest picture.)
- Headphones or earbuds, if possible.
- Ideally, internet speed at least 1.5Mb per second. (You can test your speed using Measurement Lab’s Speed Test.)
- Copies of the Prescribed Works and music manuscript paper. If you don’t have manuscript paper, you can download printable manuscript paper here.
* If you haven’t learned music with Zoom before, please see our printable Zoom for Students information sheet for information on how to set up Zoom for music tuition.
Before the workshop begins, the teacher will email you a Zoom meeting invitation that includes a meeting ID and password to join.
Enrol in this workshop.
Questions about the workshop?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
Aodh Quigley
An experienced post-primary music teacher, choir director and singer, Aodh (he/him) holds a BMusEd degree from Trinity College Dublin and TU Dublin Conservatoire, where he specialised in flute performance and composition, as well as an MA in Choral Studies from Dublin City University. He has a great interest in singing, conducting and composing for choirs of all ages and abilities. In addition to his work as a music teacher, Aodh currently sits on the committee of Kodály Ireland as both Inclusion Officer and Public Relations Officer. And he is currently the Marketing Officer with Pipeworks International Organ and Choral Festival. Aodh is committed to inclusive musical excellence in education, and he is passionate about helping Leaving Certificate students reach their full potential in the examinations and beyond.
‘I believe that learning to perform and appreciate music is a hugely life-affirming thing, at any age or stage. That has been my experience, and it is an absolute honour to find myself in the position where I can pass this joy and this love on to others through music education in lots of different settings. Teaching Leaving Cert. Music is an opportunity to do this in a unique way, as many of my students over the years have told me that even if school is difficult, coming to music class is something they look forward to in their week. It’s a privilege to guide students through this uniquely creative subject that is so close to my heart!’
Reviews • Testimonials
‘It’s a really enjoyable workshop and very beneficial. The notes are excellent and very useful.’
– M. Branagan
‘Learned more in the one day than I have in school all year.’
– G. Curran
‘Excellent teacher. Excellent revision.’
– A. Fogarty
‘Great quick revision.’
– O. Hickey
‘The notes are excellent, and you really get a sense of what the examiners are looking for.’
– C. Maher
‘Great teacher with lots of good tips and helpful notes.’
– C. McCafferty
‘The Revision Workshop really helped calm the nerves coming up to the exam! I’d advise anyone feeling a bit anxious before the exam to do it.’
– S. McConway
‘Really good layout. It made everything seem easier and gave me more confidence.’
– M. O’Brien
‘Even though it’s a quick review of the course, it goes over everything and you learn some things you didn’t know before.’
– E. O’Connor
‘Left the workshop feeling relaxed and prepared to take my exam!’
– S. O’Connor
‘Very good notes. Easy to understand. Well explained.’
– A. Traynor
Have you taken this workshop? We would appreciate it if you could take a few moments to give us your feedback in a brief online questionnaire about it.
Workshop Schedule & Fee
Saturday, 14 June 2025
10 am – 12 pm: Composing
12 – 1, 1.45 – 2.45 pm: Four Prescribed Works
2.45 – 4 pm: Irish Music and the Unprescribed Question Six
Tuition Fee: €70
Enrolment for this workshop requires a completed Leaving Cert. Music Enrolment Form and full payment of the tuition fee. Places on the workshop are available on a first-come, first-served basis, based on the date of enrolment. Early enrolment is recommended, as places are limited.