Music at Work Programme
Waltons New School of Music
Based on the the New School’s popular group courses for beginners, as well our choir tuition and Irish Music Tasters, Music at Work is a unique programme that provides convenient and affordable music courses and team building workshops for companies and organisations. We have extensive experience running group music courses and workshops for adults, both inside and outside the New School, and we have provided group tuition to well over 20,000 adult learners since the school’s founding in 1994.
Although our courses are generally 10 weeks long, course lengths can be adjusted and continuation or ‘improvers’ courses can also be scheduled.
ONLINE MUSIC AT WORK COURSES & TASTERSNow, with so many people working at home part- or full-time, creating a sense of meaningful ‘connection’ for employees is more important than ever. So in addition to the ‘in-person’ versions of our Music at Work courses and Irish Music Tasters, which have taken place in Dublin-area workplaces for the past decade, our new online Music at Work courses and Tasters provide an ideal means to bring work colleagues together in a creative and very enjoyable way. And online Music at Work courses and Irish Music Tasters aren’t just confined to Dublin. Companies, organisations and employees anywhere in Ireland can avail of our online Music at Work programme – and employees living in other countries can join in as well. |
Our Music at Work Programme clients have included:
Abbott Ireland
Aer Lingus
Asana Software
Bank of Ireland
Brown Thomas
CPL Recruitment
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
KPMG Ireland
Leman Solicitors
MMTA Ireland
National Treasury Management Agency
Introduction to Bodhrán
(In-Person and Online Versions Available)
This simple wood and goatskin drum, hit with a wooden stick or beater, is the heartbeat of Irish music, and there’s nothing that quickens the pulse quite like the beat of the bodhrán! In this course the main rhythms of traditional music – reels and jigs – are covered, and classes move on to polkas, hornpipes, slip jigs, etc. When they have mastered playing ‘straight’ in these metres, they can take on contemporary playing styles which may integrate influences from rock, funk, Latin rhythms, etc. and are encouraged to find a style of their own.
This course is designed for beginners, and no previous musical experience is required.
This course is designed for up to 10 participants
(minimum of 4 for the online version).
Instruments Required
Participants will need their own bodhráns (ideally at least 16-inch) to bring to work and practice with at home (in-person version) or for both classes and practice (online version). Because of the New School’s association with Waltons Music Ireland, we can supply bodhráns to course participants at discounted prices.
To book this course, please use our Music at Work Booking Form.
Questions about the course?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
We would appreciate your feedback about this course if your company or organisation has taken it.
Company Choir
A perfect opportunity to bring employees together to literally ‘sing from the same hymn sheet’. A company choir will boost morale, foster teamwork and group spirit, help create a network for employees within an otherwise large workplace and improve employees’ health and well-being.* The choir can work on songs and styles ranging from classical to jazz and gospel to pop. Central to all of this is learning how to sing these songs in harmony – from simple two-part harmonies to more complex material.
Previous musical experience and/or the ability to read music aren’t necessary to participate.
‘This was our second year [of Company Choir], and we will definitely be back next year. Everyone who participates enjoys it so much.’
– A. Curtis, CPL Recruitment
* Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits – both psychological and physiological – of choral and group singing, including ones published by the Royal Society of Open Science, the Journal of Public Mental Health and the University of Limerick.
Wellness Choir
The ‘Wellness’ version of our Company Choir places particular emphasis on the mental and physical and well-being of all participants. Choral and group singing can improve these in five important ways:
- It’s good for mental health: It releases endorphins and oxytocin, lowers cortisol levels, can alleviate low mood or anxiety may help to fend off depression.
- It’s good for the brain: It keeps the brain active, is mentally stimulating and improves both concentration and memory.
- It improves both respiratory and heart health: Studies have shown that the heart rates of choral singers beat in unison in relation to the speed of their breathing. In one study, heart rates were directly affected by the melody of the music, and the pulses of those tested rose and fell at the same time when they sang in a group. It also improves both blood pressure and posture, and it helps to reduce physical pain and muscle tension.
- It strengthens social connections: It allows participants to enjoy a greater feeling of togetherness and being part of a collective endeavour, as well as being an opportunity to meet new people and develop social skills in an inclusive and non-judgemental environment.
- It’s a lot of fun: Singing together in a choir or group allows participants to have fun with old and new friends, share laughter and together enjoy uplifting and motivational music.
A Company or Wellness Choir can have up to 30 participants and can be made up of any combination of male and female voices.
Equipment Required
A digital piano, acoustic piano or electronic keyboard is required on site. Because of the New School’s association with Waltons Music Ireland, we can supply this at a discounted price, if required.
To book this course, please use our Music at Work Booking Form.
Questions about these choirs?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
We would appreciate your feedback about these choirs if your company or organisation has taken one of them.
Introduction to Guitar
(In-Person and Online Versions Available)
This course offers a comprehensive and enjoyable introduction to the guitar and what it can do. Students begin with basic left- and right-hand technique, and classes then progress through a varied and interesting repertoire – including folk, pop and rock songs – while students develop a range of guitar skills. The Introducing Guitar for Adults course that this is based on has given hundreds of adult beginners an impressive grasp of guitar fundamentals.
This course is designed for beginners, and no previous musical experience is required.
This course is designed for up to 10 participants
(minimum of 4 for the online version).
Instruments Required
Participants will need to have either steel-string acoustic guitars or nylon-string ‘classical’ guitars to bring to work and practice with at home (in-person version) or for both classes and practice (online version). Because of the New School’s association with Waltons Music Ireland, we can supply guitars to course participants at discounted prices.
To book this course, please use our Music at Work Booking Form.
Questions about the course?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
We would appreciate your feedback about this course if your company or organisation has taken it.
Introduction to Irish Fiddle
(In-Person and Online Versions Available)
This course introduces beginners to the all basics of playing this beautiful, subtle and demanding instrument – holding, bowing, fingering, etc. – and guides them through the main forms of traditional music (jigs, reels, hornpipes, airs, etc.), including some of their many variations. Regional and individual playing styles will also be covered, giving students an important first source of repertoire. By the end of the course participants will be able to play a number of great traditional tunes!
This course is designed for beginners, and no previous musical experience is required.
This course is designed for up to 10 participants
(minimum of 4 for the online version).
Instruments & Equipment Required
Participants will need full size fiddles (violins), bows and shoulder rests to bring to work and practice with at home (in-person version) or for both classes and practice (online version). And at least one music stand for every two participants is required for the in-person version. Because of the New School’s association with Waltons Music Ireland, we can supply fiddles to course participants, as well as music stands, at discounted prices.
To book this course, please use our Music at Work Booking Form.
Questions about the course?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
We would appreciate your feedback about this course if your company or organisation has taken it.
Introduction to Piano
(Online Version Only)
This course encourages the development of each person’s abilities in an atmosphere of relaxed concentration. Participants learn the fundamentals of keyboard technique – as well as basic music theory, sight-reading and chordal accompaniment – while progressing through a varied and interesting repertoire that ranges from classical to pop. The course has introduced hundreds of adult beginners to the basics of playing piano.
This course is designed for beginners, and no previous musical experience is required.
This course is designed for up to 10 participants
(minimum of 4).
Instruments Required
All participants will need to have acoustic pianos, digital pianos or electronic keyboards (at least four octaves) for both classes and practice. Because of the New School’s association with Waltons Music Ireland, we can supply acoustic or digital pianos to course participants at discounted prices.
To book this course, please use our Music at Work Booking Form.
Questions about the course?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
We would appreciate your feedback about this course if your company or organisation has taken it.
Introduction to Singing
(In-Person and Online Versions Available)
This popular course is designed to take some of the mystery out of singing, improve your confidence in singing before an audience and introduce you to the fundamentals of voice training. You’ll observe and participate in basic singing tuition, learn how to choose songs that suit you and your voice, and begin to explore the technical side of singing, discovering the application and use of Focus and Support. But most of all you will learn – in a relaxed and supportive environment – to get up in front of others and sing!
This course is designed for beginners, and no previous musical experience is required.
This course is designed for up to 10 participants
(minimum of 4 for the online version).
Equipment Required
(In-Person Version Only)
A digital piano, acoustic piano or electronic keyboard is required on site. Because of the New School’s association with Waltons Music Ireland, we can supply this at a discounted price.
To book this course, please use our Music at Work Booking Form.
Questions about the course?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
We would appreciate your feedback about this course if your company or organisation has taken it.
Introduction to Tin Whistle
(In-Person and Online Versions Available)
A simple tube of metal with six finger-holes, the whistle has an expressive range that can encompass everything from the speed and excitement of dance music to the haunting and emotionally-charged expression of slow airs. This course teaches all the basics of whistle-playing, covering such aspects as tonguing, vibrato and slurring, and including some ornamentation and variation. Participants will concentrate on slow airs, jigs and polkas, but other forms may be touched on as well. By the end of the course participants will be able to play a number of great traditional tunes!
This course is designed for beginners, and no previous musical experience is required.
This course is designed for up to 10 participants
(minimum of 4 for the online version).
Instruments Required
Participants will need their own D tin whistles to bring to work and practice with at home (in-person version) or for both classes and practice (online version). Because of the New School’s association with Waltons Music Ireland, we can supply Waltons tin whistles to course participants at discounted prices.
To book this course, please use our Music at Work Booking Form.
Questions about the course?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
We would appreciate your feedback about this course if your company or organisation has taken it.
Introduction to Ukulele
(In-Person and Online Versions Available)
Today the ukulele is one of the most popular instruments in the world – and with good reason. It is accessible, rewarding and beautifully versatile. This course is the ideal way to kick start participants’ uke playing. Students will learn fundamental techniques, chords, strumming patterns and fingerstyle in a fun and supportive group setting. Everything is taught through popular music (pop, rock and folk), and by the end of the course participants will not only have the necessary skills to play the songs they love, they will have already started doing so!
This course is designed for beginners, and no previous musical experience is required.
This course is designed for up to 10 participants
(minimum of 4 for the online version).
Instruments & Equipment Required
Participants will need concert or soprano ukuleles to bring to work and practice with at home (in-person version) or for both classes and practice (online version). And at least one music stand for every two participants is required for the in-person version. Because of the New School’s association with Waltons Music Ireland, we can supply tin whistles and music stands to course participants at discounted prices.
To book this course, please use our Music at Work Booking Form.
Questions about the course?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
We would appreciate your feedback about this course if your company or organisation has taken it.
Introduction to Violin
(In-Person and Online Versions Available)
Let’s start by getting rid of the myth: if you want to play the violin you don’t have to start at an early age. True, if you want to be the next Maxim Vengerov, Anne-Sophie Mutter or Nigel Kennedy it helps if you begin quite young, but at the New School we believe that students at any age can learn to play this magnificent instrument – and play it well. This course is designed especially for the adult beginner and classes, though relaxed and enjoyable, are designed to build skills methodically and thoroughly.
This course is designed for beginners, and no previous musical experience is required.
This course is designed for up to 10 participants
(minimum of 4 for the online version).
Instruments & Equipment Required
Participants will need full size violins, bows and shoulder rests to bring to work and practice with at home (in-person version) or for both classes and practice (online version). And at least one music stand for every two participants is required for the in-person version. Because of the New School’s association with Waltons Music Ireland, we can supply violins and music stands to course participants at discounted prices.
To book this course, please use our Music at Work Booking Form.
Questions about the course?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
We would appreciate your feedback about this course if your company or organisation has taken it.
About Our Tasters
Running since 1999, the New School’s renowned Irish Music Tasters are brief immersions in the world of Irish traditional music that have introduced thousands of people from all over the world to its beautiful melodies and infectious rhythms. We offer Bodhrán Tasters, Tin Whistle Tasters, Combined Bodhrán and Tin Whistle Tasters, and a one-hour Introduction to Irish Music.
As part of our Music at Work programme, we off both in-person and online Bodhrán Tasters, Tin Whistle Tasters and Combined Tasters as engaging and effective team building activities for companies and organisations, as well as for conferences.
In-Person Tasters
In-person Tasters can take place at Waltons New School of Music or at a location of your choice.
Online Tasters
With so many people working from home now, creating a meaningful sense of ‘connection’ for employees of companies and organisations by providing opportunities for them to share experiences outside the confines of work is more important than ever. Online Tasters can be accessed by participants not only in Ireland but around the world. They’re also ideal for companies with offices in more than one country, allowing them to bring together employees who would otherwise not have ways to interact outside of the work environment.
‘Our online Tin Whistle Taster was super fun and engaging, and a great way to engage with the team. A really unique experience and such an interactive way to learn more about Ireland and traditional Irish music. Harry and Éamonn were really great teachers – patient, passionate and masters of their music!
We felt supported throughout, from working with John Mardirosian to organise and create an event format and sending on the materials in advance, to the IT test with Harry and Éamonn. We also felt from a pricing perspective that it was really reasonable.’
– A. Lavelle, Asana Software
‘I asked Waltons New School of Music if they could help with a corporate meeting using bodhráns to demonstrate the power of rhythm in a business context. The process was a real pleasure, and everyone I dealt with was knowledgeable and helpful. The session itself was facilitated by Éamonn Galldubh. Ahead of time, Éamonn quickly understood what we wanted to achieve and worked collaboratively on ideas to make the session a success. On the day he quickly established both his credibility and a rapport with the audience. He was a fantastic teacher, had just the right balance of humour, understood perfectly the messages we wanted to incorporate and worked seamlessly with the team without any rehearsal. The session was a resounding success and exceeded my expectations; our team not only got the messages but had so much fun to boot. Waltons handled all the logistics, and I would recommend them to anyone considering a similar event. A first class service.’
– S. Heaven, Vodafone
Please contact us with your requirements, and we’ll be happy to provide a quote.
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
Bodhrán Tasters
(In-Person and Online Versions Available)
The bodhrán (pronounced bough-rawn), a wood and goatskin drum beaten with a wooden stick or ‘beater’, is the heartbeat of traditional Irish music. Participants learn about this great instrument and the two most important rhythms of Irish music – reels and jigs – in this one-hour Taster, taught by one of Waltons New School of Music’s renowned traditional musicians and teachers – and have a lot of fun in the process! This Taster is designed for beginners, and no previous musical experience is required.
The Bodhrán Taster can also be combined with our Tin Whistle Taster.
Both in-person and online Tasters can accommodate up to 70 participants. Larger groups are taught by two teachers and divided for part of the Taster into two groups and two rooms for in-person Tasters or two breakout rooms for online Tasters.
The New School provides bodhráns for all participants in the in-person version of this Taster. Participants in the online version will need their own bodhráns. Because of the New School’s association with Waltons Music Ireland, we can supply bodhráns to Taster participants at discounted prices and deliver them to them to a single location.
Questions about this Taster?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
Tin Whistle Tasters
(In-Person and Online Versions Available)
A simple tube of metal with six finger-holes, the Irish tin whistle is a beautiful and expressive Irish instrument. Participants learn the basics of tin whistle playing – as well as some great Irish tunes – in this one-hour Taster, taught by one of Waltons New School of Music’s renowned traditional musicians and teachers – and have a lot of fun in the process! This Taster is designed for beginners, and no previous musical experience is required.
The Tin Whistle Taster can also be combined with our Bodhrán Taster.
Both in-person and online Tasters can accommodate up to 70 participants. Larger groups are taught by two teachers and divided for part of the Taster into two groups and two rooms for in-person Tasters or two breakout rooms for online Tasters.
Participants in both the in-person and online versions of this Taster will need their own D tin whistles. Because of the New School’s association with Waltons Music Ireland, we can supply tin whistles for Taster participants at discounted prices and deliver them to them to a single location.
Questions about this Taster?
or call us on (01) 478 1884.
Meet the Teachers
The musicians who teach Irish Music Tasters for the New School’s Music at Work programme have a wealth of experience both playing and teaching Irish music. In these videos, Éamonn Galldubh and Harry Long, two of our teachers, talk about their backgrounds and demonstrate their main instruments.
Éamonn Galldubh
Éamonn, who teaches both Bodhrán Tasters and Tin Whistle Tasters, also teaches uilleann pipes, Irish flute, bodhrán, tin whistle and saxophone with the New School.
Éamonn talks about his background and love of Irish music.
Éamonn talks about his main instrument, the uilleann pipes, and plays two Irish tunes.
Harry Long
Harry, who teaches both Bodhrán Tasters and Tin Whistle Tasters, also teaches bodhrán, tin whistle and low whistle with the New School, as well as directing Rig-a-Jig, our Irish traditional music group.
Harry talks about his background and love of Irish music.
Harry talks about his main instrument, the low whistle, and plays two Irish tunes.
Why Music at Work?
The enormous benefits of music education for children have been widely researched, but the benefits for adults are just beginning to be understood. Now more and more forward-thinking companies are working with musicians to solve problems, enhance performance and morale, and help staff with their professional and personal development. Music at Work courses provide an excellent means to:
- Tap hidden potential and creativity
- Promote communication and listening skills
- Encourage support and trust
- Reduce workplace stress
- Improve interaction both among colleagues and between junior and senior staff
Absolutely no previous musical experience is required!
‘RMM [recreational music making] research has demonstrated a host of key benefits that precisely match ongoing workplace needs. From stress reduction and improvement of mood states to burnout and attrition reduction, RMM programs serve as accessible, affordable and sustainable human resources initiatives. An empowering strategy for unlocking innate potential through verbal and non-verbal expression, RMM opens doors for meaningful dialogues while fostering interpersonal respect and team-building. In this challenging era of rapidly escalating stress-related healthcare costs coupled with excessive employee burnout and turnover, RMM serves as a rational affordable empowering strategy for improving quality of life.’
– Dr. Barry Bittman, Neurologist, Recreational Music Making:
A Human Resources Perspective
‘Active music making can powerfully influence people’s thoughts and feelings, and it differs from passive music listening in several ways. First, music making expands mental abilities that are essential to good mental function, while music listening allows minds to wander. Second, active music making can help provide relief from daily stressors by directing focus and awareness of the whole person, and music based wellness exercises can provide practical ways to learn to manage stress. All of this can contribute to feeling better both emotionally and physically, and can lead to motivation to continue involvement. Though passive music listening provides some diversion from stressors, it cannot offer the success and the self‐esteem that can come from actually making music. This success leads to positive self‐regard and good self‐care that are essential to well‐being.’
– Karl T. Bruhn and Dr. Alicia Ann Claire,
Active Music Making and Wellness
‘Music in the workplace has increased efficiency, lifted spirits, and even bound society together. Music still does all of this, and it is one force that can help carry us forward into the future.’
– Gordon Marc le Roux, ‘Whistle While You Work’:
A Historical Account of Some Associations Among Music, Work, and Health
‘Singing in a choir can lift your mood. Enjoying music, performing for others, and having fun outside of work are important elements of being in a choir. It is important for staff to enjoy coming to work and to feel engaged with their colleagues and the organisation. In a high-stress work environment, it is important that staff feel valued. Supporting a choir initiative is a low cost, high impact, way for management to do this.’
– Hilary Moss and Jessica O’Donoghue, Sing while you work:
the wellbeing benefits of workplace choirs
(report on a pilot study of Health Service Executive workplace choirs
‘[T]he study of music offers us a wealth of “tools” that can have a profound effect on our performance in the workplace. Entrainment, keen sensitivity, and rhythm and flow all work in concert to enhance our work to the point where it no longer feels like work! The virtuoso performer makes it look easy, because it is easy!’
– Peggy Rostron, Musicians’ Tools for the Workplace
‘Creativity isn’t the sole province of artists and musicians – it’s the ability to find better ways to make products or to find and fill needs that no one noticed existed.’
– Richard Florida, The Flight of the Creative Class:
The New Global Competition for Talent
‘Creativity is essential because it is at the heart of innovation, and innovation is a growth driver and, therefore, a business imperative. That is why, for several years, The McGraw-Hill Companies has been using arts-based learning as a training tool in several key leadership initiatives… the arts have served as a complementary vehicle to more traditional learning approaches. They have helped to change attitudes by letting employees confront their assumptions in a nontraditional and non-intimidating environment…. The results of using arts-based learning and training have been very positive for The McGraw-Hill Companies…. Arts-based training is part of an overall strategy and commitment of the corporation to help “surface” creativity.’
– Terry McGraw, Chairman and CEO, The McGraw Hill Companies,
in Journal of Business Strategy
‘The arts enrich communities and employees, and also stimulate the kind of intellectual curiosity our company needs to stay competitive.’
– Norma R. Augustine, Chairman and CEO, Martin Marietta Corporation
How does it work?
One of our teachers is assigned to your company or organisation for a brief residency (generally ten weeks long, but shorter or longer residencies are possible). The residency can, if desired, culminate in a performance for other company employees. Residencies can be one-off, they can continue for another period, or you can opt for a different instrument or subject for your next residency.
How much do your courses and Tasters cost?
In-Person Courses
In-person course fees are inclusive and don’t depend on the number of participants (although modest additional travel costs may apply to in-person courses taking place outside Dublin). We also offer 10% discounts for registered charities. Course fees can be paid by the company or organisation, by employees, or by contributions from both.
Standard Fee | €1,450 |
Reduced Fee ² | €1,305 |
Standard Fee Per Person (10) | €145 |
Reduced Fee Per Person (10) | €130 |
Standard Fee Per Person (30) | €48.33 |
Reduced Fee Per Person (30) | €43.50 |
1. Fees include 23% VAT.
2. 10% fee reductions apply to registered charities.
Online Courses
The fee for a 10-week online course is €235 per person (€212 per person for registered charities). Fees, which include 23% VAT, can be paid by the company or organisation, by employees, or by contributions from both.
Bodhrán and Tin Whistle Tasters
In-person and online Bodhrán and Tin Whistle Taster fees depend on the number of participants, as well as whether the Taster includes a Waltons bodhrán or tin whistle for each participant. Again, 10% fee reductions apply to registered charities. Please contact us with your requirements, and we’ll be happy to provide you with a quote.
Who teaches the courses?
Music at Work teachers, all part of the New School’s renowned teaching faculty, have been carefully selected for their ability to work with and inspire adult learners, as well as for their experience with group music tuition.
When do the courses take place?
Our in-person courses generally take place during business hours (at lunchtime, for example) but can also take place after work. Our online courses can take place any time within the New School’s operating hours, six days a week (subject to teacher availability).
How can we find out more or book a course or Taster?
If you would like to enquire about our Music at Work Programme for your company or organisation, please use our Contact Us form or phone the school on (01) 478 1884.
If you would like to book a Music at Work course, please use our Booking Form.
A booking deposit of €100 is required to confirm a course or Irish Music Taster. (The deposit is refundable if we are unable to schedule the course on a mutually agreeable day and time.) The balance of fees for the course and instruments/equipment (if applicable) is due before the course begins.
When the course day, time and start date are confirmed, we can provide you with pdf flyers about the course in order to attract participants