Now Enrolling for Our 2020-2021 School Year
Waltons New School of Music
We are now enrolling for the 2020 – 2021 school year, which begins the week of 14 – 19 September (most of our group courses begin the week of 28 September – 3 October).
2020 – 2021 Calendar
First Term
12 Weeks • 14 September – 12 December 2020
Second Term
12 Weeks • 4 January – 27 March 2021
Third Term
10 Weeks • 12 April – 19 June 2021
Tuition Offered
Both In-School and Online tuition are available this year. In-School tuition takes place in the New School itself, and we have made a number of changes to our equipment and procedures to make the school as safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. (See our COVID-19 Safety Policy page for more information on what we have done, as well as the protocols we expect all In-School students and visitors to follow.)
We will also continue to offer Online tuition, which has been very effective in both our Third and Summer Terms. Online tuition has also allowed students living much further away to learn music with us – and we now have students not only living in other counties but in other countries as well. (See our Online Tuition page for more information on Online tuition with the New School.)
As always, we offer tuition for all ages and skill levels, and in the widest range of instruments and subjects of any music school in Ireland.
Instrumental • Vocal Departments
Drums • Percussion
Guitar • Bass • Ukulele
Piano • Keyboard
String Instruments
Traditional • Folk • World Instruments
Voice (Singing)
Wind Instruments
IS: Course taught In-School
OL: Course taught Online
Introducing 5-String Banjo IS
Introducing Bodhrán IS or OL
Introducing Guitar for Adults IS or OL
Introducing Guitar for Children IS
Introducing Guitar for Teens IS
Introducing Irish Fiddle IS
Introducing Piano/Keyboard for Adults IS or OL
Introducing Piano/Keyboard for Children IS
Introducing Singing for Adults OL
Introducing Tin Whistle OL
Introducing Ukulele for Adults IS or OL
Introducing Ukulele for Children IS
Introducing Violin for Adults IS or OL
Introducing Violin for Children
Introducing World Drumming IS
Group Courses for Intermediate Students
All courses are In-School.
Acoustic Blues Guitar Basics
Jazz Piano Basics
Trad Guitar Basics
Theory • Musicianship • Songwriting Courses
All courses are Online.
Music Fundamentals
Sight Singing Made Easy
Songwriting Workshop
Pre-Instrumental (Early Years) Music Programme
All courses are In-School.
Making Music (Ages 3-4)
Musical Adventures (Ages 4-5)
Musical Explorations (Ages 5-6)
All courses are Online.
Introducing Music Technology
Ableton Live Basics
Leaving Certificate Music Courses
All courses are Online.
Preliminary Course
Two-Year Course
Mock Practical Exams
Easter Revision Course
Pre-Exam Revision Workshop